Website Design Do’s and Dont’s

December 11, 2014

Everyone wants a free website, but creating a website for yourself in order to save cash isn’t easy. There are many things you should consider before you start building a website. Learn about the platforms available. Look at a lot of websites to figure out what you do and don’t like. And take the time to design your site before you get online. Building a website starts with the design. Creating a website that people use and enjoy takes work.

Here are some things to keep in mind, whether you end up building a website yourself or if you hire someone to build it for you. The design portion of the job deserves attention, no matter how you end up creating a website.


…Make your homepage a simple, welcoming space. Cluttered or disorganized pages where it’s hard for visitors to find what they’re looking for are going to cause people to quickly go elsewhere.


…Fill your homepage with buttons, text clumps, and images. Don’t hide your navigation system in small print at the bottom of the page. The more people have to search, the less interested they’ll be in finding what they want.


…Keep your text simple and to the point. Skip to the relevant information quickly. Make it easy for readers. Use as few words as possible.


…Force your readers to read long passages on the homepage without anything to break up the text. They won’t read it. Remember who you’re creating a website for. If you want to explain your story in detail, do it on a Company History page.


…Use only high-res photos and use them sparingly. You’re building a website that will be used on all kinds of devices so don’t assume small photos will be enough.


Put every gorgeous photo you find on one page. Cluttered photos detract from one another. Use one picture per page so that your readers want to see what’s on the next page.


…Choose a simple color scheme that is consistent throughout the site. Most free website building platforms offer recommended color palettes.


…Put colors and images together that make the page look busy. Don’t deviate from the theme.

Creating a website requires some time and effort. If you aren’t sure if you’re up for building a website, a free website may not be your best option. Instead, contact a professional digital marketing company or web development team to create a clean, focused, and profitable site.

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