Will Social Media Affect Your Custom Closet Design Company’s SEO?

March 29, 2022

Custom closet design is clearly a growing industry, with many Americans excitedly investing in new storage solutions throughout their homes. In today’s digital age, it can be hard to know how to market your custom closet designing services in an impactful way. Search engine optimization is a necessity for growing your custom closet company’s clientele, but social media marketing can also play an integral role in your business’s growth.

Expanding Your Brand Distribution

Ranking high on Google for “custom closets” and other keywords is an excellent start to growing your business. Without a doubt, SEO is crucial to getting clicks, leads, and sales. While social media marketing doesn’t connect directly with your SEO statistics, it can provide brand exposure that is unmatched by SEO alone. Connecting links to your posts and freely showing off projects can get your brand name out to millions of smartphone users.

Boosting Your Company’s Reputation

When you have a presence online and invest in social media marketing, you will establish an online footprint, which will, in turn, cause people to value your business. Custom closet companies with colorful project posts, time-lapses of closet installations, and personable and active admins will develop a following. Ensuring that your company’s mobile website design, email marketing, and social media marketing campaigns match up with harmonious designs will make your brand more recognizable and trusted.

Reaching Your Target Audience

Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter each have dedicated age groups and demographics associated with them. As a custom closet designer, your target audience would likely be primarily on Facebook. Considering that seven out of ten Facebook users use the app every single day, this is a branding opportunity you can’t ignore. Facebook Ads uses a precise algorithm for you to reach your primary audience easily, so taking advantage of this tool is a no-brainer.

Custom closet design is a very refined market, and it can be difficult to find the specific leads that you are looking for without the aid of a strong social media marketing campaign. Growing your brand’s internet footprint will never work to your disadvantage. If you want to take the next step with internet marketing your custom closet design company, give us a call today.

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