Social Media Marketing on the New Threads App

July 6, 2023

The latest app to take the world by storm is here thanks to Meta: Threads. Developed by the team behind Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp, Threads offers a fresh and interconnected approach to social media engagement. But how will Threads impact your social media marketing strategies? Keep reading for all the information you need to know to stay ahead of the curve for your business.

Seamless Integration and Enhanced Connectivity

Threads seamlessly integrates with your existing Instagram and Facebook accounts, allowing for stress-free connectivity and engagement. By signing in with your previously created Instagram profile, you can effortlessly tap into the growing Threads user base of over 30 million signups in the first day alone, providing you with a vast audience to showcase your products or services.

Expressive Multimedia Communication

With Threads, expressing yourself and captivating your audience is simple. The app’s versatile features enable you to create engaging posts with up to 500 characters, photos, videos, and even links. This multimedia approach allows you to engage users in a variety of ways, showcasing your brand’s visual identity, and connecting with your audience on a deeper level.

Considerations and Privacy

While Threads offers exciting marketing opportunities, it’s crucial to consider potential concerns. While the desire for a Twitter competitor arose after many recent issues(API pricing, verification overhaul, rate-limits) with Twitter occurred, some users have already found areas of concern with Threads. Profile deletion is one such issue, as the app states that the Threads profile can only be deleted by deleting the associated Instagram account. This makes it very difficult to erase information and personal data, which can persist on the platform long after you stop using it. In addition, Threads is still currently mobile only, like Instagram, meaning many businesses will have to curate their profile from their personal devices, another area of privacy concern.

Exploring new avenues for social media marketing is crucial for staying ahead in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. This is an excellent opportunity to be proactive and establish a brand presence on an infant social media platform, as long as you stay cautious and mind potential areas of concern. If your business is wanting to boost their social media presence, contact Fasturtle today to get started!

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