3 Digital Marketing Strategies for Landscapers

April 19, 2021

In 2019, there are an estimated 4,083,105,000 Internet users in the world. That’s an impressive number, but it also means that the internet is a vast place. How can you get your message out there to the people you need to see it? That’s where digital marketing comes in. You can work with a digital marketing agency to help you make sure you’re doing everything you can to get your services to the prospective clients who need them. Here are three simple digital marketing strategies for landscapers.

Start a Business Blog

Having an active, on-topic blog with good SEO will help get you to the first page of search results whenever someone searches a landscaping question. This means they’ll be more likely to find you in all the noise of the internet and, if you’ve been helpful to them, may stick around and see what else you have to offer. This is a great way to cast a wide but still specific net and get some new eyes on your content.

Create Free Checklists and Guides

Give customers and potential customers something of value in exchange for providing you with their contact details. This way, you will start to establish a working relationship with them and your company will stay in their mind long after they’ve left your website. A climate map, a landscaping basics handout, or a spring yard clean-up checklist are all great, on-topic options.

Email Marketing

A good email marketing sequence will do a lot of the relationship-building work for you and guide a prospective customer to a future purchase with your company. Make sure this sort of strategy is tailored to the sort of client who’s seeing it. For example, someone who downloads a free guide on landscape design will likely have different needs than someone who chooses the guide on spring yard clean-up.

The bottom line is: be both knowledgeable and approachable. Strive to answer specific questions with the content you produce for your customers and for the people you hope will be customers one day. Remember that your clients turn to you for help with specific problems, and you’ll stand a better chance of converting readers into customers if you follow that question and create content that addresses it every step of the way. To get help with your digital marketing strategy, contact Fasturtle Digital today.

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