4 Tips to Growing your Email Marketing List

June 20, 2013

When compared to newer online marketing tools, such as social media marketing and blogging, email marketing in San Diego and other cities throughout the country generally receives less buzz. While email marketing may be an older form of online marketing, it is a highly effective tool that is more relevant today than ever before due to the explosive growth of smartphones. A huge percent of the population now carries a smartphone, and of all the applications checked on these devices throughout the day, email is one of the top.

Email marketing in San Diego is a tool that successfully reaches a highly targeted market at an extremely low cost, and should be a strategy that is included in an overall marketing plan. For those businesses that are looking to strengthen their programs for email marketing in San Diego, one of the first steps is to grow your email marketing list. Most businesses have email lists that comprise 30 percent or less of their total customer base, meaning there is much room for improvement to email marketing strategies.

The following are 4 ways you can collect customer information to grow your email marketing list:

  1. Website. Many websites have large buttons for social media pages, such as Facebook and Twitter, but don’t have an attractive button or link to opt-in to receive a newsletter or other email communications. Sometimes the link is just thrown randomly on the page, making it look more like an afterthought, which decreases the perceived value of joining your email list. To improve your email marketing in San Diego, create an attractive email button or form that makes users want to opt-in, and make sure that it appears on multiple pages of your site, above the fold where it can easily catch a user’s eye.
  2. Brick and Mortar Location(s). When customers are purchasing an item at your business location, simply ask them if they would like to join your email list as part of the checkout process. Of course, some customers will be hesitant to offer contact information, such as an email address for fear that they will be bombarded with junk mail. To counter this attitude, consider giving them a special offer for signing up, and explain to them exactly what types of emails they would receive, as well as how frequently emails will be sent.
  3. Mobile. Many customers carry smartphones, meaning they have constant internet access no matter where they go. For this reason, it is important that businesses consider creating websites that are optimized for mobile browsing. On mobile sites, you can create email opt-in forms for both SMS text messaging and email marketing in San Diego.
  4. Social Media. Consider integrating your social media marketing and email marketing in San Diego by including an email opt-in page on your social sites. Many customers are likely following you on social media, which means they are already interested in your business, so why not give them the option of selecting an additional outlet for receiving communications.

Following the above tips will help you to steadily grow an email marketing list with targeted customers that actually want to receive news and information about your business.

Not only is developing a strong list for email marketing in San Diego important, but you should also make sure that the content you are sending out is interesting and relevant to your target market. If the information doesn’t hold any value for your customers, they will have no problem hitting the unsubscribe button. If you need help developing a campaign for email marketing in San Diego or another city, the email marketing professionals at Fasturtle can help. With over a decade of experience, we have the expertise to develop strategies for email marketing in San Diego that will work best for your business. In addition to strategy, we also have a team of talented web designers that can create appealing email marketing templates, as well as a team of writers that can provide copywriting services in San Diego and other cities. To learn more about email marketing in San Diego, call Fasturtle today at (888) 468-8785 or contact us online.

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