3 Reasons to Hire A Digital Marketing Agency to Manage Your SEO

October 19, 2020

You don’t have to be online for long to hear about SEO, or search engine optimization. And you don’t have to be in business very long to realize that it’s an important part of website management. If you’re serious about driving leads to your website and succeeding online, you’ve probably done your research about what SEO is and why it matters.

It takes a lot more to master SEO than reading a few articles, however. While you can gain some cursory knowledge of SEO with your own research, you really need a specialist to optimize it for you and make the most of your website’s potential. In this article, we’ll go over three reasons why you should hire a digital marketing agency to manage your SEO.

Content Marketing With SEO Works

Internet marketing services are generally split into two divisions: inbound marketing and outbound marketing. Inbound marketing involves building relationships with leads and customers by giving them valuable content and solutions, then profiting once they need to make a purchase decision. Outbound marketing involves things like advertising and cold pitching and is more direct and in-your-face than inbound marketing.

While many fledgling businesses automatically focus on outbound marketing because it’s more direct, inbound marketing is an integral part of an effective marketing plan. In many ways, it performs better than outbound. Search engine optimization is heavily involved in inbound marketing because it’s used to make content like free blogs to become more visible in search results. Content marketing like this gets three times more leads than outbound marketing while costing 62% less.

Because inbound and content marketing with SEO is so significant, you shouldn’t be afraid to invest in it by hiring an expert to manage your SEO.

Search Engine Optimization Is Complicated

As we mentioned earlier, researching search engine optimization on your own is unlikely to give you the knowledge you need to effectively optimize your business’s website. A good digital marketing agency knows the ins and outs of SEO better than most entrepreneurs could ever hope to. This is because, unlike solo entrepreneurs who must balance all aspects of running a business, dedicated SEO experts only do one thing: optimize websites for search discovery. This sort of expertise will add significant value to your marketing efforts.

Because SEO professionals are always focused on search engine marketing, they’re also in the know whenever Google and other search engines change their systems and policies. This is critical to SEO success because one change in a major search engine can dramatically impact how your site shows up in search — and whether it does at all.

Your Time Is Too Valuable

Everyone knows the saying that time is money and for people in business it’s especially true. Whether you’re a sole proprietor, a professional blogger, or a marketer working for a startup, you have better things to do than study SEO all the time. If you’re a blogger or content marketer, you need to write; if you’re an entrepreneur, you need to be focused on improving your product and service for your customers.

Just one of these reasons on its own would justify the need for hiring a digital marketing agency to work on your SEO. Taken all together, these reasons make it imperative to hire professionals to manage your SEO campaign. Contact Fasturtle today to learn more about all of the advantages of turning to an experienced digital marketing agency to handle your SEO.f

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