How New Privacy Changes Are Affecting Digital Marketing

May 28, 2021

For digital marketing, there truly is no time like the present. Any PPC management agency out there will tell you the number of businesses and individuals signing up for their services has gone up. This is because people are spending more time online, so if you have something to say or show, online is the place to do it. Digital marketing has evolved over the length of time it has been in existence with new privacy changes affecting it.

The Changes on Privacy

Up to 87% of people say there are more ads than two years ago. This is a pain point for most users who would enjoy being in a digital space with fewer ads, targeted or otherwise. Companies like Apple have taken a proactive step to create these important changes for their users like adding an option for their users to opt-out of in-app data collection by sites like Instagram and Facebook.

In essence, users will still be provided with in-app data while iOS cloaks their personal information. This directly impacts the apps’ ability to track their users and target them for ads. Understandably, not everyone is happy.

Facebook, for instance, responded by saying that the change will reduce the effectiveness of advertising on their platform while also leading to more expenses for consumers. They say that this is because small businesses will have to introduce extra charges like subscriptions in order to maintain their ability to produce quality content.

How Facebook Advertising Has Been Impacted

In essence, you will not be able to re-target users who visit your site through their Apple devices if they have opted out unless your targeting is based on their phone numbers or email.

Secondly, with a segment of your audience operating in the dark, the clarity of conversion data may not match the leads coming in. Facebook will consequently be unable to limit the frequency of ads for iOS audiences. Also, the cost-per-click necessary to get a qualified lead may increase for people marketing through a PPC management agency.

In parting, make sure you pick a PPC management agency that will help you get the most worth out of your advertising budget. This can be done by improving the results of your email and web marketing, aligning your digital strategy across all social media platforms, and redesigning your website so it is optimized for the web. These will be good steps to take while we all await the tech giants to settle on their new strategies and algorithms.

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