Attract New Clients and Maximize Current Opportunities Using Social Media Marketing

October 5, 2010

Social networking gives business owners and entrepreneurs an unparalleled opportunity to get themselves in front of large audiences in quick fashion. With relatively easy access to such a large group of people, you will discover new opportunities to attract ideally matched clients. In order to make this work using social media, you must have a clear and concise plan. When you take time to focus on the potential of the relationships you create in social networking, you’ll magnetize your marketing and activate a loyal following of ready-to-buy fans!

Know Why You’re There

It’s essential that you have a clear idea of why you are using social media. Most business owners have yet to clearly define why they are using it or what it will accomplish for them.

We have compiled this list of the possibilities social media may hold for you:

– Demonstrate your expertise

– Make connections with prospective clients

– Bring traffic to your website, blog, or articles

– Attract joint venture and strategic alliance partners

– Get on the media’s radar screen

– Expand your influence

– Establish credibility in your field or profession

– Build a base of loyal fans

Know Your Strategy

Always put relationships first because that is, after all, the basis of social media marketing. Acknowledge what it is your ideal clients are looking for and be the source of information and resources for them.

Your strategy must include a focus on 3 things: 1. providing value, 2. boosting credibility, and 3. building trust. Place your attention on adding value and people will anticipate the information you want to share.

As you bring in more value, you reinforce your credibility and earn the trust of your friends and followers. Value, credibility, and trust are the most important components that invite a follower into your marketing efforts. These three factors set the basis for both you and the potential customers and the expectations for both parties. A common mistake is to jump too quickly to the sales part of the relationship before a foundation has been established. By proving your value and worth with excellent information, you make it simple for others to perceive you in a favorably.

Know How to Take Action

Don’t forget: People buy from those they know, like, and trust. Social media is a way to add value, boost your credibility, and build trust with ideally matched contacts.

The opportunities are still revealing themselves in this fast and ever changing landscape, but keeping time proven client attraction strategies on hand will ensure your success for years to come.

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