How SEO and Web Design Work Together

May 18, 2021

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an important tool for the success of any business, and impacts how users search and experience your website. The stats show that visibility does matter. In fact, 92% of searchers will pick businesses on the first page of local search results. However, SEO is just one piece of the puzzle. Below are some key ways website design works hand in hand with SEO to create an optimum experience for your clients.

Speed it Up

Many users will abandon a site if it is too slow to load. If your site is running as slow as molasses, chances are it is because of your web design. One of the key facets of SEO is website speed, as this helps determine your rankings. Professional website design is crucial for SEO success for both your users and Google, as a slow website is tougher to index than one that loads quickly. The bottom line is that your rankings are negatively affected if your website loads too slowly. To ensure a fast-moving, user-friendly experience, be sure your web design is optimized and up to date.

On The Go

Another key aspect of SEO and web design is mobile-friendliness. Many users use their mobile devices to search, and if the site is not loading properly, they will most likely keep scrolling. Successful web design is essential to guaranteeing your site is easily mobile accessible. Without it, your ratings may plummet. This is just another example of how website design can impact your SEO and vice versa.

Looks Matter

The layout, readability, and design of your website have an incredible impact on your users’ experience. While content is first and foremost, it becomes meaningless when a site is poorly arranged or designed. Is the text too small or hard to read? Are the colors harsh and unattractive? These factors matter as users may abandon a site that does not deliver through readability or poor layout. Professional web designers are essential to creating a site that users will want to visit repeatedly as they know how to create optimal, user-friendly sites.

Poor design can impact your website in many ways. SEO is important to your rankings, visibility, and success, but if your site is not user-friendly, fast, attractive, and mobile-friendly, chances are users will pass you by. Be sure your site is at its best by learning more about what professional web design can do for you.

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