How to Use PPC to Stay Ahead of Your Competition

January 25, 2023

In such a digital age, it’s vital for businesses to have an in-depth understanding of PPC, otherwise known as pay-per-click advertising. Businesses are all using search engines and social platforms to compete for top positions and gain the attention of their target audience. If you are looking for ways to stay ahead of your competition using PPC management, check out these important considerations.

Utilize Competitor Research

In the eternal pursuit of market share, businesses need to keep tabs on their competitors. This way you can learn some of their strengths and weaknesses in regard to their online presence. Probably the most common type of competitor research is around the keywords their competitors are targeting on search platforms.

Comparing your competitors’ organic and paid search efforts side by side will give you a good idea of which tactics are used by other advertisers in your niche. Knowing what keywords your competitors are targeting for PPC can give you some direction on where to best focus your ad spending.

Analyze Keyword Seasonality

For prolonged PPC success, you need to use a strategic approach for your keywords. You can check your ad history to determine which months are the busiest in your niche in terms of online advertising. Similarly, you’ll be able to see what is considered the “off-season” for your terms. This way you can take advantage of what times of year to focus most of your PPC management efforts.

Your competitors will have the same–if not very similar–peak time of year for their PPC campaigns. If you want to stay ahead of them, it might be worth considering attracting your audience with more sales and special offers and increasing your advertising budget.

PPC management is a great way to earn more potential customers by increasing your online presence. However, it is a competitive space for many industries. With a strategic PPC management plan, you can generate high-quality leads for your business. Choose Fasturtle for all of your digital marketing needs. As a top-rated Google Ad agency, we offer a full suite of services for PPC marketing Phoenix area businesses can use to create effective campaigns. Give us a call today to get started.

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