Marketing During an Economic Downturn: 4 Common Mistakes to Avoid

February 27, 2023

An economic recession is something every business may have to face at some point. These downturns, however, are not a nail in the coffin for your company unless you succumb to the stress and pressure of the situation. Our SEO and digital marketing agency has noticed several reactive patterns that companies make during recessions that can be detrimental to your business if you repeat the same mistakes. To help you avoid falling into a similar trap, here are four marketing mistakes to avoid in the event of an economic downturn.

1. Demanding Marketing Balance

It can be easy to fall into the “buy now” mentality when creating new marking campaigns for your business during times of financial stress. This tactic is best left on the back burner since your current customers may begin to feel attacked or alienated by a pestering insistence to invest in your company.

2. Overlooking Growth Opportunities

When your business is struggling to stay afloat and all your effort is being put into surviving, it can be easy to miss opportunities to grow. Be on the lookout for new SEO strategies as well as different advertising and marketing investments that may become available.

3. Making Unnecessary Cuts

Equal cuts across the board may be a tempting initiative to keep your company running fairly, but this could be a mistake. Do your research, collect the numbers, and figure out what methods and departments are thriving, and which could use the support. Put your finances where they’re deemed necessary, and refrain from taking them away from places making you money.

4. Focusing Strictly Inward

It can seem necessary to pool your resources and attention to your staff and everyday business function when the economy is taking a hit. Your customers, however, are your lifeline and mustn’t be ignored. Pushing out initiatives to deliver results without taking into account customer satisfaction may lead to a further downfall in your business’ success.

When your company enters a time of uncertainty, it’s easy to make rash decisions and abandoned tried and true techniques. According to Hubspot, email marketing provides an astounding 4,200% ROI at its peak effectiveness. Strategies such as this provide so much support to your business during economic growth, that even in a recession they shouldn’t be abandoned. If you need help deciding what to do and what not to do during a difficult time, contact our SEO agency so we can steer you on the right path!

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