Planning Holiday Digital Ad Campaigns AKA Christmas in August | Heard on Money Radio

August 14, 2017

What’s Your Holiday Digital Ad Campaign Plan?

So it’s only August, you’re still sitting by the pool, nary a Pumpkin Spice latte in sight. That hasn’t stopped retail stores from stocking Halloween supplies. It might not be fall yet, but like the wise old squirrel, it’s time to start thinking about winter – specifically, the surge in seasonal searches.

The Ghost of Christmas Past

Look back on seasonal trends from past years to identify KPIs, compare data, and set goals based on past wins and losses. How does your performance compare to annual search trends? Have you been optimizing for mobile and voice queries? Did your website experience issues, leading to lost conversions? How strong is your emergency response system?

The Ghost of Christmas Present

Run ads based on your promotional calendar. Run local ads to draw weekend shoppers, and global ads to deliver sought-after goods across state and national borders. Take advantage of audience targeting to increase conversions. With a flexible budget and a data-driven, responsive strategy, your holiday digital ad campaigns should ring in the new year nicely. Here’s some holiday AdWords advice from Google support. Got questions? We have expertise!

The Ghost of Christmas Future

Take risks! Now is not the time to do endless test runs, it’s time to launch well-managed campaigns. You have to invest in order to get a return, and a holiday campaign generates valuable data that you can use to hone your strategy in real-time and in years to come. There’s nothing spooky about the outcome when you have the knowledge and power to change it. This applies both to 19th century misers and 21st century digital ad campaign managers.

For more discussion of holiday digital ad campaigns, plus current events for those of us whose heads are still in August, listen to today’s episode on Money Radio.

Whether you have an e-commerce shop or provide other services, your holiday ad strategy deserves forethought and data-driven responses. Partner with the pros for a custom, transparent solution.

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