The Top 4 SEO Metrics To Look Out For

May 17, 2023

Do you want your company to thrive in an increasingly digital-driven business field? Then it’s crucial to understand the importance of what a good website design and a thought-out internet marketing strategy can do for you. Our local SEO agency knows what it takes to make your company’s website rank on search engines and bring more traffic to your site than ever before. Are you ready to utilize search engine optimization techniques to boost your business’s online visibility? Check out these four SEO metrics that, when properly monitored, are sure to do just that!

1. Bounce Rate

When people visit your site but leave after only browsing one page, this leads to a high bounce rate. If you notice that this metric is high, a great solution would be to look at your website design and see what may be causing difficulty for potential viewers.

2. Search Visibility

When people pop into search engines, they typically aren’t searching the name of a business, but rather keywords that relate to what they’re looking for. This is why having high-ranking keywords on your website can increase search visibility and your ranking on the search engine itself.

3. Conversion Rate

As opposed to bounce rate, you want your conversion rate to be high. This refers to when visitors come to your page and perform a preferred action such as calling your business or submitting a request form. When your conversion rates are high, your website is succeeding.

4. Dwell Time

As its name suggests, this metric reflects how long visitors stay on your site, and on each individual page, before moving on. If your website is full of helpful and engaging content that reflects what the user was searching for, this time will grow!

While it’s great to have a solid base of knowledge on these metrics so you can understand what will make your website successful, it may not be something you have the time for. That’s where we come in! According to Engenius, 92% of searchers will pick businesses on the first page of local search results, so being diligent with this behind-the-scenes work is crucial for your long-term success. Our local SEO agency uses years of experience and skill in the field to handle your website, while you worry about your day-to-day operations. Reach out today to get started with our services!

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