Why Your Business Should Move to Google Analytics 4 Now

March 31, 2023

If your business relies on data analysis to make informed decisions, it’s crucial to make the switch to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) now. GA4 is a significant upgrade from Universal Analytics (UA) that offers more features, flexibility, and accuracy. By making the switch, you can stay competitive and future-proof your business. Read our recent blog for the specific features that can help your business now.

Don’t Lose Historical Data

One of the most significant benefits of migrating now is the ability to bring your historical data with you. Google is mandating clients to upgrade from UA on June 1st, 2023, so waiting any longer may result in losing valuable data that can impact your decision-making process. Migrating to GA4 now will allow you to take advantage of the new features and capabilities while continuing to learn and improve with the platform.

Learn the New Interface

Migrating to GA4 is a seamless process that allows you to use both GA4 and UA simultaneously. By doing so, you can avoid a blackout period during your transition and test the reliability of your data. However, it’s essential to remember that the new interface may lack some of the reports and features easily accessible in the previous platform. Learning the event-based model will require a mindset shift, so it’s best to start early to get a headstart in thinking differently about how you log and access your analytics insights.

Implement Optimizations

Migrating to GA4 also allows you to clean up your implementation and remove all legacy tracking that was never used for anything. Properly implementing GA4 takes time, and replicating UA’s implementation is not a good idea since it’s a completely different tool with a different data model.

At Fasturtle, we can help you fully integrate GA4 and unlock its full potential for your business. Our Marketing Programs include free GA4 integration, providing you with a competitive edge and the ability to take advantage of new features and capabilities. Don’t wait until it’s too late and risk losing valuable data. Give us a call today to learn more!

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