WordPress: An Evaluation of This Easy-to-Use Web Designer

October 18, 2023

When it comes to creating a website that is user-friendly yet sophisticated, there’s no better place to turn than WordPress web design. From updating daily engaging content on your blog page to putting in custom HTML on the backend of the site to help with tracking and analyzing efforts, this CMS is truly your one-stop shop to success. Here’s a closer look at why our team at Fasturtle encourages customers to build their websites with WordPress.


The core of success for SEO and marketing efforts comes from how you rank on search engines. Due to frequent updates and unique tools for optimization, those with WordPress sites tend to show up higher on search result lists.


Plugins are some of those components in this CMS that allow your company to add features to your website that correlate to your services. You can choose from hundreds of plugin options to add shopping features, picture galleries, chat functions, accordion widgets, and more to your site.

Mobile Friendly

Everyone is utilizing handheld devices now more than ever to search for products and services. With this in mind, WordPress web design has evolved to provide customers with a mobile-friendly experience, so you won’t be losing leads due to outdated technology.


You want your website to align with your brand image and luckily with WordPress, you can do just that. No one site looks the same due to the various theme options from overall color palettes to the smallest button. No matter what you want to present to the world, it’s possible with this CMS.

User Friendly

While it’s important that a website is easy to use for customers and viewers, it’s important not to overlook how you as a company will achieve what you need to do on the backend. If this is your first time creating a website you will be happy to see a clear navigation menu, help and support options, and the alternative to code editors with visual editors.

When you work with our digital marketing agency, you’ll reap the many benefits of WordPress web design services. According to Kinsta, over 500 websites are created every day using WordPress, whereas only 60 to 80 sites are built using other options like Shopify. The proof is in the paper; WordPress is the go-to CMS for your new site. Give us a call today so we can get started on creating your digital marketing presence!

Posted 10/18/23

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