Analytics Tips for Optimizing YouTube

November 1, 2013

In recent months, YouTube has vastly improved the collection and reporting of analytics. This is a big deal for businesses as they are now offered a more in depth look into how the video marketing tool is working in regards to meeting campaign goals. With this data at their fingertips, businesses gain a better understanding of their customers, allowing them to craft video marketing content that creates higher levels of engagement while also improving strategies for search engine optimization in Scottsdale and other cities.

When accessing the YouTube Analytics pages, you will notice that there are a number of different reports. While each of the reports provide thorough information that you may find useful, you should pay particular attention to the following five metrics in order to create the most effective video marketing strategies:

  1. Demographics. The demographics report is essential to review as it determines whether or not you are reaching the intended demographic, which is that of your target audience. If the content you’re providing is reaching any audience other than your target, you must tweak your video marketing strategies in a way that appeals more to your customer base. If reaching your target audience isn’t a problem, the demographics report still can be useful as it allows you to identify the content that appeals most to repeat viewers, so you can create similar content that keeps engagement levels high.
  2. Traffic Sources. The traffic sources and playback location reports will provide you with the knowledge of the online sources that most lead viewers to your YouTube channel. Using this information, you can then improve your strategy for search engine optimization in Scottsdale or wherever your business may be located, increasing your chances of appearing on the YouTube search results page and suggested videos list. Also, review data on the feeds from both traditional homepages and those on mobile websites as well as subscription numbers gained from individual videos; this will help you to determine the types of content that are the most effective in reaching marketing goals.
  3. Engagement. While traffic levels are an important analytic, it is also important that you look at the quality of traffic to your video marketing materials on YouTube. The analytics report will show the average time of viewership, so you are able to see where the most engaged viewers are coming from. Additionally, you will learn whether or not the content you are creating is matching the interests of your target audience. The absolute audience retention report provides business owners with the views of every second of a video as a percentage of the number of video views. The number of people that leave the page of a video on YouTube is highest within the first 15 seconds, so if you have many videos with major percentage dips in this period of time, it is essential that you revamp both your optimization and content strategies to better meet the expectations of your audience.
  4. Subscriptions. In order for video marketing on YouTube to be successful, you must gain a significant number of subscribers. These individuals are the biggest fans of your business, and typically watch double the amount of your video marketing content compared to those that are not subscribed to your channel. In addition to raising viewership numbers, subscribers also are largely responsible for building a community of advocates around your brand. In order to increase the number of subscribers and reap the aforementioned benefits, you must review your YouTube analytics to see the types of video marketing content that are creating the largest increase in subscribers as well as those that are leading to very low subscription rates. This data will allow you to create a better content strategy, and make changes such as stronger calls to action.
  5. Annotations. This YouTube tool gives you the control to place annotations throughout your video marketing materials, choosing exactly what they will say, and when they will appear and disappear. Annotations increase interaction among viewers, leading to an increase in viewership, subscriptions and other desired marketing actions. When using annotations, regularly check your click-through-rates to determine the rate at which viewers are clicking as well as the number of viewers that choose to close the annotations. This will help you to create the best possible annotation strategy as you can test what copy works best and the length of time that is most effective for an annotation to appear in video marketing materials.

Keeping close tabs on the above five metrics will help you to create more efficient and effective video marketing strategies that further your overall online marketing goals.

If you are interested in starting or improving upon a campaign for video marketing and search engine optimization in Scottsdale, the online marketing professionals at Fasturtle would be more than happy to work with you. With expertise in multiple areas of online marketing, including email marketing, mobile websites, social media, web design and search engine optimization in Scottsdale, our team is fully equipped with the tools to lead you to marketing success. To learn more about our services, call Fasturtle at (888) 468-8785 or contact us online.

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