Content and the Consumer Lifestyle

September 26, 2013

When creating content for your website, mobile website and social media pages, it is essential that you thoroughly understand who your customers are and what it is they are looking for at each stage of the buying cycle. One of the largest mistakes businesses make is focusing content solely on one stage of the cycle, leaving out potential customers that are gathering in the other stages. To avoid this, businesses should create a strategy for each stage of the buying cycle, tailoring content that will peak the interest of every customer.

The following is a list that will help you to understand the four basic stages of the consumer buying cycle and the type of content that works best in each:

  • Awareness. The first stage of the buying cycle contains those potential customers that have just learned that your business exists. These individuals typically have identified a specific need, and are busy exploring websites, mobile websites and social media pages of businesses that are available to meet those needs. In this stage, businesses should hire content writers in Scottsdale to provide customers with the basics, which include a description of who you are as a business, how you conduct business and the products or services you offer. This can be accomplished by creating a specific page on your website and mobile website, such as an About Us page, or through blog posts and posts on social media platforms. It is also important that you have a strong website design in Scottsdale as new users will judge your business highly on the quality and ease of use of your site.
  • Consideration. In this stage, potential customers are now aware of your business and understand the basics through content provided on websites, mobile websites and other online outlets. While this is a great start, customers in the consideration stage require additional information. They understand that you may have the ability to meet their needs, but are unsure of whether you are the best company to choose. In order to push potential customers toward the next step of the buying cycle, it is important that you share the specifics of the products or services that your business offers, and convince customers that you can meet their needs better than competitors. Have your content writers in Scottsdale focus on providing hard data and information that shows how a product or service leads to high levels of satisfaction. This can be accomplished through case studies, testimonials, industry related graphs and more.
  • Purchase. At this stage, customers now have the information they need to make an informed purchase decision. They have narrowed down their choices, usually to two or three businesses, and are now in the stage where they are skimming the business websites and mobile websites once again before coming to a decision. They are looking for something positive that one business offers that another doesn’t. In order to capture these customers, websites and mobile websites of businesses should offer materials, such as free trial offers, discounts, demo videos and data sheets. This information must create a strong case for your business, showing customers that they are missing out on great products or services if they choose anyone other than you.
  • Evangelist. While it is important that your content writers in Scottsdale focus on new customers, you should not forget about the customers that have already done business with you. Repeat customers are champions of your products and services, so you should also provide content that will increase their brand loyalty and encourage them to share with their friends. Have web developers and content writers in Scottsdale create guides, whitepapers, webinars and blog posts that provide customers with interesting, valuable information that is relevant to your industry. Also consider hosting live events in your area to teach customers more about your industry and how your products or services can help to meet their specific needs.

By focusing on each separate stage of the buying cycle, businesses will be able to better connect with customers and increase sales.

If you are interested in creating a highly customized content strategy for your website, mobile website and more, consider working with Fasturtle, a company specializing in online marketing and website design in Scottsdale. Our content writers in Scottsdale can collaborate with you to create fresh, interesting content for websites, mobile websites, blogs, social media and email marketing, which will resonate with customers in each step of the buying cycle. In addition to content creation, our online marketing experts also provide strong strategies for search engine optimization in Scottsdale and other cities throughout the country, so your content will be found by the right customers at the right time. To learn more about how our online marketing services can help you, call Fasturtle at (888) 468-8785 or contact us online.

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